III - 3
Chapter 3 Interrupts
Table 3-1-1 Interrupt Functions
3-1-1 Functions
Interrupt type Reset (interrupt) Non-maskable interrupt Maskable interrupt
Vector number 0 1 2 to 28
Table address x'04000' x'04004' x'04008' to x'04070'
Starting address
Level 0 to 2
(set by software)
Errors detection, External pin input
Internal peripheral
Input interrupt request
Input to CPU core from
level set in interrupt level flag
non-maskable interrupt
(xxxL Vn) of maskable
control register (NMICR) interrupt control register
(xxxICR) to CPU core.
Acceptance only by the
interrupt control of the register
(xxxICR) and the interrupt
mask level in PSW.
Machine cycles until
12 12 12
Values of the interrupt level
All flags are cleared The interrupt mask level flag (xxxLVn) are set to the
to "0". flag in PSW is cleared interrupt mask level (masking
to "00". all interrupt requests with the
same or the lower priority.)
PI interrupt
Address specified by vector address
Interrupt level - -
Generated operation Direct input to CPU core
Interrupt factor External RST pin input
PSW status after acceptance
Accept operation Always accepts Always accepts