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Code No.
Check on waveform graphic screen of
whether the torque
(current wave) is surging or not.
Check the overload alarm message
and load factor using PANATERM
1) Increase the capacity of the amplifier and
motor. Lengthen the ramp time of accel-
eration/deceleration. Re-duce the motor
2) Readjust the gains.
Adjust setting of the rotary switch.
3) Correct the motor wiring per the wiring
diagrams. Replace cables.
4) Free the machine of any tangle. Reduce
the motor load.
5) Measure the voltage at the brake wiring
connections. Turn off the brake.
Correct the motor and encoder wiring to
eliminate the mismatching.
Check regenerative discharge resistor load
factor on monitor screen of PANATERM
The amplifier should not be used with con-
tinuous regenerative braking.
1) Check the operation pattern (using the
velocity monitor). Check the load rate of
the regenerative resistor and the over-
regeneration alarm on display.Increase the
capacity of the amplifier and motor.
Increase the deceleration time.
Use an external regenerative
Check the operation pattern (using the ve-
locity monitor). Check the load rate of the re-
generative resistor and the over-regeneration
alarm on display. Increase the capacity of the
amplifier and motor. Increase the decelera-
tion time. Reduce the motor rpm. Use an ex-
ternal regenerative re sistor.
3) Set "2" on Pr6C.
Important information
Overload protection is activated via
the specified time limiting operation
when the integration of a torque com-
mand exceeds the specified overload
1) Caused by a long operation with a torque
that exceeds the specified torque limit.
2) Vibration or hunting due to incor- rect
gains. Cause vibration and/or abnormal
Adjustment of inertia ratio, set
value of Pr20, is required.
3) Motor wires connected wrong or broken
4) The machine is hit against a heavy thing,
or suddenly becomes heavy in operation.
The machine is entangled.
5) The electromagnetic brake is ON.
6) In a system of multiple amplifiers, some
motors are wired incorrectly to other axis.
The regenerative energy is larger than the
capacity of the regenerative discharge re-
1) When the load inertia is too large, he
converter voltage increases due to the
large energy regenerated during decel-
eration, and increases more due to the
shortage energy consumption by the re-
generative discharge resistor.
2) When the velocity of the motor is too high,
the regenerative energy cannot be con-
sumed within the specified deceleration
3) Operation of external resistor is limited
to 10% duty.
When setting Pr6C to "2", don't fail to install external protection such as thermal fuse.
Otherwise, regenerative discharge resistor is not protected any more to cause possible
abnormal heat generation, resulting in burning of the motor.