• Headset users cannot use the following features:
– Automatic Redial (® 15.1.1 Redial, Last Number)
– Receiving the Off-hook Call Announcement (OHCA) (® 12.1.3 OHCA (Off-hook Call
– Receiving the Whisper OHCA (® 20.1.3 Whisper OHCA)
PC Programming Manual References
3.5 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port—
Headset OFF/ON
3.24 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - IP-Extension Port—IP-PT Registration and De-registration— Headset OFF/
6.5 [4-1-4] Wired Extension—Flexible Button
— Type
Feature Manual References
6.1.3 Flexible Buttons
Operating Manual References
1.3.32 Headset Operation
3.1.2 Personal Programming
PBX has several features that support its use in a hotel-type environment, where extensions correspond
to guest rooms.
Feature Description Details in
Room Status Control An extension designated as the hotel operator can set the
check-in status of rooms remotely.
® 15.1.3 Room
Status Control
Remote Wake-up Call An extension designated as the hotel operator can set a
timed reminder for a room remotely.
® 17.1.4 Timed
SMDR for External Hotel
Hospitality feature data, including check-in, check-out,
timed reminder times, can be output to SMDR for use
in a PC-based hotel application.
® 16.1.1 SMDR
(Station Message
Detail Recording)
8.1.5 Host PBX Access Code (Access Code to the Telephone
Company from a Host PBX)
This PBX can be installed behind an existing PBX (host PBX) by connecting the extension ports of the host
PBX to the CO line ports of this PBX (behind PBX). A Host PBX Access code is required for the behind PBX
to access the telephone company (e.g., to make outside calls) through the host PBX. The CO line access
number of the host PBX should be stored as a Host PBX Access code on a trunk group of the behind PBX.
134 Feature Manual Document Version 2008-11
8.1.5 Host PBX Access Code (Access Code to the Telephone Company from a Host PBX)