2.9 Using the Display Proprietary Telephone
Operation 151
C.Pickup Group C.Pickup GRP Pick up a call within your extension
group. refer to 2.3.3 Answering a
Call Ringing at Another Telephone
(Call Pickup).
Call Park (0-9) Call Park 0-9 Place a call on hold in a system
parking area. refer to 2.4.2 Holding
a Call.
CM OGM PLAY (1-9) CM OGM PLAY 1-9 Replay an outgoing message (OGM)
for the company voice message
box.* Refer to 2.5.1 Built-in Voice
CM OGM REC (1-9) CM OGM REC 1-9 Record an outgoing message (OGM)
for the company voice message
box.* Refer to 2.5.1 Built-in Voice
CM OGM DEL (1-9) CM OGM DEL 1-9 Delete an outgoing message (OGM)
for the company voice message
box.* Refer to 2.5.1 Built-in Voice
COS Primary (ext) COS Primary ext Select the primary Class of Service
(COS) mode for an extension*. Refer
to 2.7.11 Day/Night Service.
COS Secondary (ext) COS Second ext Select the secondary Class of
Service (COS) mode for an
extension*. Refer to 2.7.11 Day/
Night Service.
EXT OGM PLAY (1/2) EXT OGM PLAY1/2 Replay an outgoing message (OGM)
for the personal voice message box.
Refer to 2.5.1 Built-in Voice
EXT OGM REC (1/2) EXT OGM REC 1/2 Record an outgoing message (OGM)
for the personal voice message box.
Refer to 2.5.1 Built-in Voice
EXT OGM DEL (1/2) EXT OGM DEL 1/2 Delete an outgoing message (OGM)
for the personal voice message box.
Refer to 2.5.1 Built-in Voice
Extrn BGM On/Off Ext-BGM On/Off Turn on/off the background music.*
Refer to 3.2.2 Turning on the
External Background Music.
Message Off (ext) MSG Off ext Cancel a notification. Refer to
2.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy
or There is No Answer.
Feature Description