
4.4.13. Safety Interlock SW
This printer has two safety interlock switches: front door safety interlock switch, and an OPC drum unit safety interlock switch. +24V
power is supplied to the front door safety interlock switch. When the front door is opened, the frontdoor safety interlock switch is
opened and shuts off the main motor driver power and the high voltage unit power. As a result, the comparator output at pin1 of
IC9 is changed from a high level to a low level. IC11 ( CPU ) receives this signal and turnsoff the main motor control signal, the laser
scanning unit, etc. When the OPC drum unit is not installed, the OPC drum unit safety interlock switch is opened and shuts off the
+5V power for the laser diode. IC11 ( CPU ) and IC6 ( ASIC ) receivethis +5V power condition and turn off the main motor control
signal, the laser control signals, etc.