Chapter 1 Overview
I - 14
Pin Description
Table 1-3-6 Pin Function Summary (4/6)
Name No. I/O Function Other Function Description
RXD0A 19 Input SBI0A, P04
RXD0B 49 SBI0B, P71
RXD1A 16 SBI1A, P01
RXD1B 46 SBI1B, P74
TCI00B 23 P11
TCI01 51 P12
TCO4A 24 P13
TCI04B 25 P37
TCI05 52 P77
SDA4A 16 I/O P01, SBI1A
SDA4B 35 P53
SCL4A 17 I/O P02, SBT1A,
SCL4B 36 P54
RMOUT 22 I/O Remote control
signal output pin
P10,TCO0A Output pin for remote control transmission signal
with a carrier signal. For remote control carrier
output, select the special function pin by the port
1 output mode register (P1OMD) and set to the
output mode by the P1DIR register. Also, set to
the remote control carrier output by the remote
control carrier output control register (RMCTR).
This can be used as a normal I/O pin when
remote control is not used.
Clock I/O pins for serial interfaces 4. During data
communications, select n-channel open-drain to
comply with IIC communication standard. Pull-up
resistors can be selected by the P0PLU resister
and the P5PLU register. During data
communications, select output mode by the
P0DIR register and the P5DIR register. These
can be used as normal I/O pins when the serial
interface is not used.
In the serial interface in UART mode, these pins
are configured as the received data input pin.
Pull-up resistors can be selected by the P0PLU
register and P7PLUD register. Set this pin to the
input mode by the P0DIR register and the P7DIR
register, and to the serial input mode by the serial
interface1 mode register 1 ( SC0MD1, SC1MD1).
This can be used as normal I/O pin when the
serial interface is not used.
Event counter clock input pins, overflow pulse
and PWM signal output pins for 8-bit timers 0 , 1,
4, 5. To use these pins as event clock inputs,
configure them as inputs by the P1DIR and
P7DIR register. When the pins are used as
inputs, pull-up resistors can be specified by the
P1PLU, P7PLUD register. For overflow pulse,
PWM signal output, select the special function pin
by the port 1 output mode register (P1OMD) and
set to the output mode by the P1DIR register.
When not used for timer I/O, these can be used
as normal I/O pins.
Reception data input pins for serial interfaces 4.
During data communications, select n-channel
open-drain to comply with IIC communication
standard. Pull-up resistors can be selected by
the P0PLU register and the P5PLU register.
During data communications, select output mode
by the P0DIR register and the P5DIR register.
These can be used as normal I/O pins when the
serial interface is not used.
UART reception
data input pin
Timer I/O pins
Serial interface
data I/O pins
Serial interface 4
clock I/O pins