Phone Basics and Managing Calls
Multi-party call
A multi-party call has 3 or more people in conversation at the same time. (F)
1 Establish a multi-party call by merging two calls
2 Continue to add people to the multi-party call (up to 5 connections in total) by
calling others or by accepting incoming calls
When making a call or accepting an incoming call, the multi-party call is placed on
hold. The callers already in the multi-party call can continue to talk with each other
while on hold. Each additional connection can then be merged into the multi-party call
A, 4 Merge < / A.
Multi-party call options
You can select an individual from the multi-party call and split the conversation,
allowing you to talk privately without the participation of the rest of the parties in the
multi-party call.
1 During a multi-party call, A
2 4 Option < / A
3 4 desired caller in the multi-party list
4 desired option A
5 4 required option < / A
To end the call’s connection, @ (End)
6 D to end the multi-party call and all connections
Option Explanation
Split the selected caller from the multi-party call so you can talk
privately. The remaining multi-party callers are placed on hold and
can still talk with each other. To rejoin the call,
A, 4 Merge < / A
Ok Close the options list