Once you bookmark your favourite page or a frequently accessed
page, you can jump to the page quickly. You can also categorise the
bookmarked pages into 10 folders and rename each folder.
While off-line or on-line:
1. [5] (Options) 7 Select Bookmarks
2. [192] to scroll to the required bookmark folder 7 [0]
3. [192] to scroll to the required bookmark
4. To load the URL: [0]
To select the required option: [5] (Options)
Renaming a bookmark folder
[192] to scroll to the required bookmark folder 7 [5] (Options) 7
Select Rename 7 Enter a new folder name 7 [0]
Deleting all bookmarks
In the bookmark list:
[5] (Options) 7 Select Delete all 7 [5] (Yes)
All the saved bookmarks are deleted, and the folder names return to
the default.
Go to page Jump to the web page.
Add bookmark Add to the bookmark list.
Edit Edit the selected bookmark name and URL.
Move to Move the selected bookmark to another folder.
Delete Delete the selected bookmark.
Send bookmark Send the bookmarked URL via SMS or MMS.
Delete all in folder Delete all the bookmarks in the folder.