Basic Operations
Making a second call
You can make another call while on a call.
During a call:
1. Enter the second phone number or select a phone number
from the Contacts list
To access Contacts list, see “In-call operations” on page 36.
2. [q]
The first call is put on hold.
3. [q] to switch between the two calls if required
Multiple calls operations
In-call options (while on multiple calls)
When on more than one call, the following options are available.
1. [5] (Options) 7 Select the required option
Swap Switch between one active and one held call.
Enable multi-party conversation when two calls
are connected (one active, one on hold). See
“Conference” on page 39.
From contacts Access the Contacts list.
Create SMS Create a new SMS message.
Inbox (SMS) Access Inbox (SMS).
Calendar Access Calendar.
Speaker mode/
Handheld mode
Switch to Speaker or Handheld talking mode.
Record the conversation. The sound clip is saved
to My Media.