76 Application Menu
Power off time
The phone can be set to turn itself off automatically at a
specified time using the Power off feature.
From Application
4 Clock > Power off time A(Set)
2. Enter the time (24 hour clock)
4 Repeat daily, Once or Disabled A(Select)
4. “Power off time setting updated!”
You can use the 4 function calculator (addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division) to make simple arithmetic
From Application
1. 4 Calculator A(Select)
2. Enter a number (max. 9 digits). It will be displayed on the
upper right of the display. If a decimal point is required,
press !, when a minus sign is needed press ".
4 to select the arithmetic operation
4. Enter a number (max. 9 digits). It will be displayed next
to the operation symbol.
If 4 is used to select another arithmetical operation to
perform, an intermediate calculation will be performed
and the result will be displayed.
5. A (=) to calculate