74 Important Error Messages
Important Error Messages
These are some of the most important error messages which may be displayed:
New codes not same When you change your password, you must enter the new
password twice to confirm. The two codes you entered are not
the same. Enter the same code twice.
Password invalid The password that you entered is not valid. Enter the correct
New PIN not accepted Your new PIN code was not accepted. Please try again.
New PIN2 not accepted Your new PIN2 code was not accepted. Please try again.
Incorrect entry! You entered your PIN or PIN2 code incorrectly. Enter the
Entries do not match! When you change your password, you must enter the new
password twice to confirm. The two codes you entered are not
the same. Enter the same code twice.
Invalid password The reply message from network when you activate call barring
with the incorrect password.
Enter the correct password.
SIM service not support The function you selected is not supported by your service
provider. Please contact your service provider.
Insufficient space!
The SIM storage area is full. If you continue, data may be lost.
Please delete old records.
Not enough space!
The message storage area is full. If you continue, data may be
lost. Please delete old records.
Authentication failure Your SIM card is not registered with your service provider.
Please contact your service provider.
Blocked Your SIM card is blocked. Please contact your service provider.