&, T, <,
t Changing initial
Refer also to "Common procedures" (.o page 21) and the "Audio
menu" section in "Summary of initial settings" (-, page 22).
I PCM Down Conversion I
No (Factory preset):
When you have connected an amplifier with audio cables.
When you have connected an amplifier with an optical digital audio
Copyright protection limits digital output to 48 kHz/t6 bit.
When playing DVDs recorded in 96 kHz
Sound is output as follows in accordance with the connections and
settings you have made.
Digital Analog
No output (If there is no Output as
No copyright protection, audio is 96 kHz
output at 96 kHz. "_)
Converted and output as 48 Converted and
kHz/16 bit output as 48 kHz
• _The connected equipment must be able to handle 96 kHz LPCM
order to take advantage of high quality audio found on these
I Dolby Digital I
Bitstream (Factory preset):
When you have connected a unit with a built-in Dolby Digital decod-
When you have connected a unit that doesn't have a built-in Dolby
Digital decoder. _2
DTS Digital Surround 1
Off (Factory preset):
When you have connected a unit that doesn't have a built-in DTS
decoder. "2 (No digital signal is output.)
When you have connected a unit with a built-in DTS decoder.
• 2These changes to digital audio output must be made, other-
wise bitstream signals the decoder cannot handle will be
output. If these signals are output, "noise" will be output
which can cause harm to your ears and speakers.