How to Use the Remote
When using the remote controller, always point the unit’s transmitter head directly
at the air conditioner’s receiver.
Remote Controller Installation
The remote controller may be operated either from a non-fixed position or from a
wall-mounted position. To ensure that the air conditioner operates correctly, do
not install the remote controller in the following places:
• In direct sunlight
• Behind a curtain or other places where it is covered
• More than 26 ft (8 m) away from the air conditioner
• In the path of the air conditioner’s airstream
• Where it may become extremely hot or cold
• Where it may be subject to electrical or magnetic noise
• Where there is an obstacle between the remote controller and air conditioner
(since a check signal is sent from the remote controller every 5 minutes)
Mounting the Remote
Before mounting the remote controller, press the ON/OFF operation button at the
mounting location to make sure that the air conditioner operates from that
location. The indoor unit should make a beeping sound to indicate that it has
received the signal.
To take out the remote controller, pull it forward.
When Holding the Remote
• When using the remote controller and during air conditioner operation, the
transmitter on the remote controller should be pointed towards the receiver on
the indoor unit.
• Make sure that there are no objects between the remote controller and
receiver which could block the signal.
Air Conditioner
(Indoor unit)
Remote Controller
(Transmitter head)
Remote Control Holder
Mounting Screws
5/32 x 5/8" (4 x 16 mm)
Rear Side
• To prevent loss of the remote controller, you can connect
the remote controller to the holder by passing a string
through the remote controller and attachment hole.
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