Nortel Secure Router 8012
Hardware Description 4 Boards
Issue 5.3 (6 April 2009) Nortel Networks Inc. 4-1
4 Boards
About this chapter
The following table shows the contents of this chapter.
Title Description
4.1 Introduction This section describes the classification of boards by
their function and the models of each type of board;
the slots where the boards are inserted; the logical
relationship between boards; the appearance of
boards; and the classification of boards by interface.
4.2 RPUs This section describes the functions, front panel,
interfaces, and technical specifications of the Routing
Process Unit (RPU).
4.3 NPUs This section describes the functions, panel, and
technical specifications of the Network Process Unit
4.4 10/100Base-TX electrical
interface module
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the 10/100Base-TX electrical interface module, and
the attributes of the interfaces.
4.5 100Base-FX Ethernet optical
interface module
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the 100Base-FX Ethernet optical interface module,
and the attributes of the interfaces.
4.6 1000Base-X Ethernet optical
interface module
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the 1000Base-X Ethernet optical interface module,
and the attributes of the interfaces.
4.7 Channelized and
unchannelized E1/T1 interface
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the channelized and unchannelized E1/T1 interface
module, and the attributes of the interfaces.
4.8 Channelized E3 interface
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the channelized E3 interface module, and the
attributes of the interfaces.