7. Warranty
Thank you for buying an OMRON product. This product is constructed of high quality materials and great care has
been taken in its manufacturing. It is designed to give you every satisfaction, provided that it is properly operated and
maintained as described in the instruction manual.
This product is guaranteed by OMRON for a period of 3 years after the date of purchase. The proper construction,
workmanship and materials of this product is guaranteed by OMRON. During this period of guarantee OMRON will,
without charge for labour or parts, repair or replace the defect product or any defective parts.
The guarantee does not cover any of the following:
a. Transport costs and risks of transport.
b. Costs for repairs and / or defects resulting from repairs done by unauthorised persons.
c. Periodic check-ups and maintenance.
d. Failure or wear of optional parts or other attachments other than the main device itself, unless explicitly guaranteed
e. Costs arising due to non-acceptance of a claim (those will be charged for).
f. Damages of any kind including personal caused accidentally or from misuse.
g. Calibration service is not included within the guarantee.
h. Optional parts have a one (1) year warranty from date of purchase. Optional parts include, but are not limited to the
following items: Cuff and Cuff Tube, AC Adapter.
Should guarantee service be required please apply to the dealer whom the product was purchased from or an
authorised OMRON distributor. For the address refer to the product packaging / literature or to your specialised
If you have difficulties in finding OMRON customer services, contact us for information.
Repair or replacement under the guarantee does not give rise to any extension or renewal of the guarantee period.
The guarantee will be granted only if the complete product is returned together with the original invoice / cash ticket
issued to the consumer by the retailer.