Mail Send Function Overview Section 2-1
2-1 Mail Send Function Overview
2-1-1 Introduction
The Mail Send Function sends an e-mail from the Ethernet Unit to a specified
e-mail address when a predetermined condition occurs in the PLC.
Data in the CPU Unit's I/O memory areas (or any file in the Memory Card) can
be sent as an attached file.
In addition, user-set ASCII information as well as the Ethernet Unit's error log
and status information can be sent as text in the body of the e-mail.
Advantages A specific range of I/O memory data in the CPU Unit can be sent automati-
cally as an attached file (through the internet or intranet) when a particular
condition occurs. Some conditions that can be used are a bit turning ON to
indicate an error, a specified word containing a given value, or a periodic time
being reached.
E-mails can be sent when various conditions in the existing ladder program
are met. It is not necessary to modify the existing ladder program.
The Mail Send Function can be used to create various applications such as
error monitoring of remote equipment, periodic monitoring of equipment, and
quality control applications.
Description When a specified sending condition is met, the following e-mail body data and
attached files can be sent automatically as an e-mail to the e-mail address
specified in the CPU Bus Unit System Setup.
■ Body Data
Any desired combination of user-set information (any ASCII character string),
error log information, and status information can be sent.
SMTP server
E-mail reception
Ethernet Unit
I/O memory
Internet or
Sent automatically when
preset condition is met.
Body: User
error log, or
Unit status
Attached file:
Specified I/O memory
file in CPU Unit
The Ethernet Unit converts the
specified I/O memory data to a file.