
Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
Attack and Release time constants. As the attack/release times are modified, the system also scales the
Make-Up Gain time constants. Use less makeup gain for processing more faithful to the source material;
use more makeup gain for greater loudness and “density.”
The Gate Threshold control sets the level at which gating of the AGC occurs, which “freezes” the gain
during short pauses. Correct adjustment of this control helps to minimize “pumping”, and the increase of
background noise during pauses in programming. The control range is OFF to 7.
There are two RTP (Return to Platform) parameters, RTP Speed and RTP Level, that determine what
happens to the AGC gain when the Gate Threshold is reached and audio is gated. With the RTP Level set
to 5, 10 or 15 dB of gain reduction, the gain will return to that pre-defined level when gated. How quickly
the target gain reduction level is reached, is set by the remaining RTP Speed settings (Slow, Medium or
Fast). If no RTP gain reduction is desired, use the RTP Speed setting Freeze. The Freeze setting means that
when the audio falls below the gating threshold and the audio is gated, the gain reduction freezes at
whatever gain reduction value there was at the instant the audio dropped below the gating threshold. This
gain is held until the audio level again reaches and exceeds the gating threshold. Note that due to the way in
which the RTP 'circuit' works, the RTP Speed settings are somewhat affected by the setting of the Attack
time control.
If you wish to bypass the Wideband AGC stage, you may do so by selecting the Bypass option. When the
AGC is bypassed, the static gain remains the same as if 12dB of gain reduction was in effect and the
Master Drive control was set at 0.0dB.