Technical reference
The following code is a fragment of a C application demonstrating how to use
Streaming mode with the USB TC-08 driver:
// Setting up and running the unit in Streaming mode
usb_tc08_set_mains(handle, 0); // use 50Hz mains noise rejection
for (channel = 0; channel < 9; channel++)
// set each channel up as a type K thermocouple
// channel 0 is the cold junction and will be enabled
// by setting the third argument to anything other than ' '
usb_tc08_set_channel(handle, channel, 'K');
// find out how fast the unit can sample in its current setup state
minimum_interval = usb_tc08_get_minimum_interval_ms(handle);
usb_tc08_run(handle, minimum_interval); // sample as fast as possible
// not required (just illustrates that the application
// can be idle while the driver collects the readings)
// use a two dimensional array with an array of readings for each
// In a real application, this would be a nested loop to regularly poll
// the unit for readings
for (channel = 0; channel < 9; channel++)
no_of_readings = usb_tc08_get_temp( handle,
0, // degrees Celsius units
0); // do not fill missing readings
// finished polling, now do something with the readings
// if overflows[channel] is high, then one of the readings
// in reading_buffer[channel] has exceeded the input range
// of the USB TC-08
// only stop the unit when we've completely finished streaming
Note: You should close down all other applications while you are performing any
timing-critical data logging tasks. Check that the Windows scheduler does not have
any activities planned during the logging session.