61 Faxing From a Computer (PC-FAX)
Sending a Fax Directly From a Computer
A fax can be sent directly from a computer through USB or Network, instead of
the computer document being printed, then loaded to be faxed.
" In order to perform a PC-FAX operation, the fax driver must be installed.
" The fax driver is not compatible with IPP (Internet Printing Protocol).
PC-FAX Settings
Common Buttons
The buttons described below appear on each tab.
OK: Click to exit the Printing Preferences dialog box, saving any changes
Cancel: Click to exit the Printing Preferences dialog box without saving any
changes made.
Apply: Click to save all changes without exiting the Printing Preferences dia-
log box.
Help: Click to view the help.
Settings Tab
The Settings tab allows you to
Specify the paper size
Specify the paper orientation
Specify the resolution
Sender Information Tab
The Sender Information tab allows you to
Enter sender information (for example, the sender name and sender fax num-