
ES 1220n Color Printing • 166
often very different from paper white, so this may result in color
casts, especially in the lighter areas of an image.
Relative Colorimetric
Good for proofing CMYK color images on a desktop printer.
Much like Absolute Colorimetric, except that it scales the
source white to the (usually) paper white. Unlike Absolute
Colorimetric, this attempts to take the paper white into account.
CMYK Ink Simulation
Affects CMYK data only.
This option simulates what the output will look like on a printing press
using the ink types SWOP, Euroscale or Toyo. If using CMYK Ink
Simulation, it is recommended that you switch off all other Printer
Color Matching. Select the No Color Matching option under the Color
Match option in the printer driver.
Windows ICM Color Matching
Windows 98, Me, 2000 and XP only. This affects RGB data only.
ICM is the color management system built into Windows.
Windows ICM uses ICC profiles for your monitor and printer; these
profiles describe the colors that your device is capable of
reproducing. ICC profiles can be associated with your printer via the
Color Management tab of the printer driver.
Depending on how you have installed the printer driver, the color
profiles may already be associated with the driver.
To associate ICC Color Profiles with the printer driver:
1. Access the printer settings via the Start menu.
2. Right-click the printer name and choose Properties.
3. Click the Color Management tab.
4. Under “Color Profiles currently associated with this printer,” you
should see the names of profiles that match your printer model. If
you do not see any profiles associated with the driver, click
“Add…” and locate the ICC profiles for your printer.
Windows ICM uses the information in these profiles to convert colors
in your documents to colors that the printer can reproduce. The way