
C9300/C9500 Software Utilities • 455
Basically, this software needs to be installed in all Print Client PCs.
In this document, this software is referred to as “Job Account
Printer Driver.”
3. OKI Print Job Accounting Client
This is the software that is used to set up the Job Account Printer
Driver. The Job Account Printer Driver will only able to function as
a specific printer driver when it has been set up by this software.
Ensure that this software is installed in the same PC as the Job
Account Printer Driver.
In this document, this software is referred to as “Client S/W.”
Before Installing
Selecting Server PC
A PC in which this software is installed becomes this System's
Server. The Server S/W acquires print logs saved in the printer and
saves them at the set interval time or at the time specified.
Interval times can be set up to 24 hours; therefore, the System
acquires print logs from the printer at least once each day. If the
Server PC is shut down, however, the System cannot acquire
information for print logs from the printer.
Therefore, the Server PC must be left running, or at least be running
at a specified time each day.
What are User Name and Account ID?
In this System, the User Name is displayed whenever print logs are
displayed, and its sole purpose is to make it easy to see who has
been printing. Account ID is used for actual identification of users.
The User Name does not necessarily need to be the same as
Windows Login User Name.
Account ID is the number this System uses to identify the users.
Basically, an Account ID has to be assigned to each user. If the same
Account ID is assigned to different users, all the print jobs they have
made will be added up as the same user when the System totals up.
Users who do not have their own Account ID will be recognized as
Unregistered ID(0).
Values that are valid as Account ID are 1 through 1879048191.