USB Install: Windows
Windows Drivers Supplied
The printer comes with two Windows drivers: Adobe
PostScript and PCL. USB Drivers for the following
Windows systems are supplied:
• Windows 2000 Professional
• Windows Me
• Windows 98
USB Port Connection
No USB interface cable is supplied with the
printer. Use a USB cable that is compatible with
USB specification 1.1.
• A USB interface will only operate using Windows
2000, Windows Me and Windows 98. It will not
operate using MS-DOS, Windows 95, 3.1, or NT 4.0.
• Printer operation is not assured if another USB
compatible device is connected concurrently with it.
• If a USB hub is used, it must be connected directly to
the computer.
□ Turn the computer and the printer off.
□ Connect the USB cable to the USB port on the
computer (1).
□ Connect the other end of the cable to the USB port
on the printer (2).