66 OKIOFFICE 87 User’s Guide
User Function Settings
User function settings allow you to customize the general operation of
your MFP machine. Refer to the User Function Settings List to determine
which settings you may need to change, then refer to Changing Your
User Function Settings to make the change.
User Function Settings List
01 MCF (SINGLE-LOC.): This function automatically prints a Mes-
sage Confirmation Report after each single-location transmission or
polling transmission. Available settings are on and off.
02 MCF (MULTI-LOC.): This function automatically prints a Message
Confirmation Report after each multiple-location transmission. Avail-
able settings are on and off.
03 ERR REPORT (MCF): This function automatically prints a Mes-
sage Confirmation Report each time an error occurs during a trans-
mission or polling transmission operation. Available settings are on
and off.
04 IMAGE IN MCF: When a message confirmation is printed, this
function adds a portion of the first page your MFP machine transmit-
ted. This is printed at the bottom of the message confirmation report.
Available settings are on and off.
05 SENDER ID: This function controls the printing of your MFP
machine’s Sender ID on the faxes you send. When turned on, your
MFP machine’s Sender ID is printed on each page slightly outside the
image area of your document. When turned off, your MFP machine’s
Sender ID doesn’t print.
In order to meet FCC requirements, you must have this feature
set to ON and have a valid Sender ID programmed in your MFP
06 MONITOR VOLUME: This function sets the volume your MFP
machine uses for telephone line monitoring sounds during dialing.
Available settings are off, low, mid, high mid and high.