Executive Series 2426 Printer Family User’s Guide
Print Job Accounting Utility • 659
Server Software Pull-Down Menus
Printer Menu
Add a Printer Register a new printer.
Manages multiple
printers as a group
Set up multiple registered printers as a group.
Delete a Printer/
Printer Group
a. Before running, select the subject printer from the “Printer Tree” on the
left side of the window.
Delete a registered printer or group of printers.
Change a Printer
Add or delete registered printers from a group.
Start/End Log
Start/end the process of acquiring information for
logs from the printer at the set interval time.
Acquire a Log
Acquire a print log saved in the printer.
b. Select Log Menu → Refresh Display to update the information on
the log pane after having run this menu.
Setting the Time
Set the present time in the printer.
c. If the printer has been switched on and off, the correct time will not set in
the printer until the next time printer logs are acquired. You need only do
this if the printer has been switched on and off in between acquisition of
Define Fees … Set up and select fees.
Properties … Set the printer properties.