D Logs Summary
172 MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2
GPZTG UTC & Time to Destination Waypoint
This log reports time to destination waypoint. Waypoint is set using the GPSCard SETNAV command. If
destination waypoint has not been set with SETNAV, time-to-go and destination waypoint ID will be null. This log
will output all null data fields until the GPSCard has set fine time as monitored by the receiver status word, see
Table D-5 Receiver Self-Test Status Codes on Page 198, bits 8,9 and 10.)
$GPZTG utc time dest ID *xx [CR][LF]
Field Structure Field Description Symbol Example
1 $GPZTG Log header $GPZTG
2 utc UTC of position hhmmss.ss 220245.00
3 time Time to go (995959.00 maximum reported) hhmmss.ss 994639.00
4 dest ID Destination waypoint ID c--c END
5 *xx Checksum *hh *36
6 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]