Body caps
Body Cap BF-1B/Body Cap BF-1A: The body cap keeps the mirror,
viewfinder screen, and low-pass filter free of dust when a
lens is not in place.
The D4 is equipped with a ten-pin remote terminal (0 3) for
remote control and automatic photography.
The terminal is
provided with a cap, which protects the contacts when the
terminal is not in use.
The following accessories can be used
(all lengths are approximate):
• Remote Cord MC-22: Remote shutter release with blue, yellow,
and black terminals for connection to a remote shutter-
triggering device, allowing control via sound or electronic
signals (length 1 m/3 ft 3 in.).
• Remote Cord MC-30: Remote shutter release; can be used to
reduce camera shake (length 80 cm/2 ft 7 in.).
• Remote Cord MC-36: Remote shutter release; can be used for
interval timer photography or to reduce camera shake or
keep the shutter open during a time exposure (length
85 cm/2 ft 9 in.).
• Extension Cord MC-21: Can be connected to ML-3 or MC-series
20, 22, 23, 25, 30, or 36. Only one MC-21 can be used at a
time (length 3 m/9 ft 10 in.).
• Connecting Cord MC-23: Connects two cameras for
simultaneous operation (length 40 cm/1 ft 4 in.).
• Adapter Cord MC-25: Ten-pin to two-pin adapter cord for
connection to devices with two-pin terminals, including
the MW-2 radio control set, MT-2 intervalometer, and
ML-2 modulite control set (length 20 cm/8 in.).
• GPS Unit GP-1 (0 231): Record latitude, longitude, altitude,
and UTC time with pictures.