90 NB712 / NB714 User Guide
YML829 Rev1
14.13.1 User Profile
You can use the user command to clear, modify and list the user profiles. You can define up to five users to access
the router via console port or telnet in user profile table however users who have the supervisor password can
change the configuration of the router. Move the cursor “ >> “ to user and press enter key.
>> clear Clear user profile
modify Modify the user profile
list List the user profile
You can delete the user by number using the clear command. Make sure the number of the user is correct. You
can use list command to check it. Modify command is to modify any user information or add a new user to user
To modify or add a new user, move the cursor to modify and press enter.
Command: admin user modify <1~5> <more...>
Message: Please input the following information.
Legal access user profile number <1~5> : 2
The screen will prompt as follow.
>> Attrib UI mode
Profile User name and password
There are two UI mode, command and menu mode, to setup the product. We will not discuss command mode in
this manual.
14.13.2 Security
Security command can be configured sixteen legal IP address for telnet access and telnet port number.
Move the cursor “ >> “ to security and press enter. The default legal address is which means that there is
no IP restriction to access the router via telnet.
>> port Configure telent TCP port
ip_pool Legal address IP address pool
list Show security profile