© National Instruments Corporation 15 Embedded Module for Blackfin Processors
3. Create the block diagram as shown in Figure 10.
a. Place a While Loop located on the Structures palette around the
controls and indicator on the block diagram. While Loops repeat
the subdiagram inside it until the conditional terminal, which is an
input terminal, receives a particular Boolean value. Right-click the
conditional terminal, shown at left, in the lower right corner of the
While Loop and select Create Constant from the shortcut menu.
The default Boolean constant in the While Loop is FALSE.
b. Place a Multiply function located on the Numeric palette on the
block diagram inside the While Loop.
c. Wire the input control to the x input of the Multiply function.
d. Right-click the y input of the Multiply function and select
Create»Constant from the shortcut menu. Enter
2 to multiply the
value of the input control by two.
e. Place a Greater? function located on the Comparison palette on
the block diagram.
f. Wire the x*y output of the Multiply function to the x input of the
Greater? function.
g. Wire the threshold control to the y input of the Greater? function.
h. Wire the x > y? output of the Greater? function to the threshold
exceeded indicator.
i. Wire the output indicator to the wire connecting the Multiply
function and the Greater? function.
j. Place a Wait Until Next ms Multiple function located on the Time,
Dialog, & Error palette inside the While Loop.
k. Right-click the millisecond multiple input and select
Create»Constant from the shortcut menu. Enter
100 to wait
100 milliseconds.
Figure 10. Creating the Block Diagram