Chapter 2 Function Generator Operation
National Instruments Corporation 2-5 NI 5401 User Manual
Figure 2-4. Waveform Generation Trigger Sources
If you need to automatically trigger the waveform generation, use software
to generate the triggers. A rising TTL edge is required for external
triggering. For more information on triggering over RTSI lines, see the
RTSI/PXI Trigger Lines section later in this chapter.
Modes of Operation
The NI 5401 has three triggering modes—single, continuous, and
stepped—described in the following sections.
Single Trigger Mode
The waveform you define in the staging list is generated only once by going
through the entire staging list. Only one trigger is required to start the
waveform generation.
In single trigger mode, after the NI 5401 receives a trigger, the waveform
generation starts at the first stage and continues through the last stage. The
last stage is generated repeatedly until you stop the waveform generation.
Figure 2-5 illustrates a single trigger mode of operation.
Software Trigger
RTSI/PXI Trigger
RTSI/PXI Trigger
Lines <0..6>
RTSI Switch
Trigger Select
Start Trigger
External Trigger