
HPC167064 Operating Modes
In this mode the HPC167064 functions as a self-contained
microcomputer (see
Figure 15
) with all memory (RAM and
EPROM) on-chip It can address internal memory only con-
sisting of 16 kbytes of EPROM (C000 to FFFF) and
512 bytes of on-chip RAM and Registers (0000 to 02FF)
The ‘‘illegal address detection’’ feature of the WATCHDOG
is enabled in the Single-Chip Normal mode and a WATCH-
DOG Output (WO
) will occur if an attempt is made to access
addresses that are outside of the on-chip EPROM and RAM
range of the device Ports A and B are used for IO func-
tions and not for addressing external memory The EXM pin
and the EA bit of the PSW register must both be logic ‘‘0’’ to
enter the Single-Chip Normal mode
The Expanded Normal mode of operation enables the
HPC167064 to address external memory in addition to the
on-chip ROM and RAM (see Table I) WATCHDOG illegal
address detection is disabled and memory accesses may
be made anywhere in the 64 kbyte address range without
triggering an illegal address condition The Expanded Nor-
mal mode is entered with the EXM pin pulled low (logic ‘‘0’’)
and setting the EA bit in the PSW register to ‘‘1’’
TABLE I HPC167064 Operating Modes
Operating Mode
EXM EA Memory
Pin Bit Configuration
Single-Chip Normal 0 0 C000–FFFF On-Chip
Expanded Normal
C000–FFFF On-Chip
0300–BFFF Off-Chip
Single-Chip ROMless 1 0 C000–FFFF Off-Chip
Expanded ROMless 1 1 0300–FFFF Off-Chip
In this mode the on-chip EPROM of the HPC167064 is not
used The address space corresponding to the on-chip
EPROM is mapped into external memory so 16k of external
memory may be used with the HPC167064 (see Table I)
The WATCHDOG circuitry detects illegal addresses (ad-
dresses not within the on-chip EPROM and RAM range)
The Single-Chip ROMless mode is entered when the EXM
pin is pulled high (logic ‘‘1’’) and the EA bit is logic ‘‘0’’
This mode of operation is similar to Single-Chip ROMless
mode in that no on-chip ROM is used however a full
64 kbytes of external memory may be used The ‘‘illegal
address detection’’ feature of WATCHDOG is disabled The
EXM pin must be pulled high (logic ‘‘1’’) and the EA bit in the
PSW register set to ‘‘1’’ to enter this mode
Wait States
The internal EPROM can be accessed at the maximum op-
erating frequency with one wait state With 0 wait states
internal ROM accesses are limited to  f
max The
HPC167064 provides four software selectable Wait States
that allow access to slower memories The Wait States are
selected by the state of two bits in the PSW register Addi-
tionally the RDY input may be used to extend the instruc-
tion cycle allowing the user to interface with slow memories
and peripherals
FIGURE 15 Single-Chip Mode
Power Save Modes
Two power saving modes are available on the HPC167064
HALT and IDLE In the HALT mode all processor activities
are stopped In the IDLE mode the on-board oscillator and
timer T0 are active but all other processor activities are
stopped In either mode all on-board RAM registers and
IO are unaffected
The HPC167064 is placed in the HALT mode under soft-
ware control by setting bits in the PSW All processor activi-
ties including the clock and timers are stopped In the
HALT mode power requirements for the HPC167064 are
minimal and the applied voltage (V
) may be decreased
without altering the state of the machine There are two
ways of exiting the HALT mode via the RESET
or the NMI
input reinitializes the processor Use of the NMI
input will generate a vectored interrupt and resume opera-
tion from that point with no initialization The HALT mode
can be enabled or disabled by means of a control register
HALT enable To prevent accidental use of the HALT mode
the HALT enable register can be modified only once
The HPC167064 is placed in the IDLE mode through the
PSW In this mode all processor activity except the on-
board oscillator and Timer T0 is stopped As with the HALT
mode the processor is returned to full operation by the
or NMI inputs but without waiting for oscillator stabi-
lization A timer T0 overflow will also cause the HPC167064
to resume normal operation
Note If an NMI interrupt is received during the instruction which puts the
device in Halt or Idle Mode the device will enter that power saving
mode The interrupt will be held pending until the device exits that
power saving mode When exiting Idle mode via the T0 overflow the
NMI interrupt will be serviced when the device exits Idle If another
NMI interrupt is received during either Halt of Idle the processor will
exit the power saving mode and vector to the interrupt address
HPC167064 Interrupts
Complex interrupt handling is easily accomplished by the
HPC167064’s vectored interrupt scheme There are eight
possible interrupt sources as shown in Table II