First, check the green
STATUS light at the keypad or
keyswitch. If this light is on stead-
ily, enter your code. The red
ARMED/MEMORY light will come
on and the green lamp will go out.
Leave immediately through the
entry/exit doorway before the
delay time runs out. If you delay
too long in leaving the premises,
you will hear the Mini-Sounder
warn you that the exit delay time
has run out. To avoid causing an
alarm, quickly return to the keypad
and enter your code to reset the
Control Center. You may then re-
arm and try to exit again.
When the green STATUS light
is flashing, one or more of your
burglary protection zones are in
“trouble” and incapable of being
armed. The green light will flash
the number(s) identifying the
zone or zones in “trouble”. For
example, if your back door is open
on Zone 1 and a window is open on
Zone 3, the green STATUS lamp
will flash once for Zone
then flash three times for Zone 3.
(Refer to your Alarm Plan for zone
Look for something you can
fix yourself in the area protected
by the zone(s) in “trouble”. In this
example, you can fix the zones
yourself by closing the back door
and the window.
If the zone cannot be fixed
immediately, the green light will
continue to flash. Try to arm. If
the zone(s) in “trouble” have
been programmed as
Shunt zones, the red ARMED/
MEMORY lamp will come on,
the green light will go out, and
your system will be armed. The
sounder will come on for 4
onds to remind you that you
armed with one or more zones
shunted (turned off).
When you try to arm with a
zone programmed as a Priority
Zone in “trouble”, the Control
Center will not arm. Enter your
code again to silence the
sounder. If you cannot fix the
zone, call your alarm specialist.
Check the Alarm Plan in this
manual to remind you which
zones are programmed as Prior-
ity zones and which are
The Alarm Plan will also indi-
cate which zones, if any,
manually shunted. Manually
shunt with caution. Shunting too
many zones will leave your prem-
ises unprotected, even with
your system armed. To arm with
zone(s) manually shunted, count
the flashes on the green STATUS
light to be sure the zone in
“trouble” is capable of being
manually shunted. Press the