1000 kW Containerized
Diesel Generator Set
DGC2020 Digital Genset Controller
The engine power available up to 4958 ft.
at temperatures up to 104
F and up to
4433 ft. at 122°F at standby rating, without
derating. For operation at higher altitudes
and ambient temperatures, the power
should be derated according to the
following factors:
Above 4958 ft.
derate at 3.4%
per 1000 ft. up to
9843 ft. Derate
an additional 9%
per 1000 ft.
above 9843 ft.
Above 122°F,
derate an
15% per 18°F
Fuel System
Recommended Fuel ASTM-D975/No.1 & No.2-D
Filter Micron Size 2
Total Fuel Flow 150 gal./hr. (568 L/Hr.)
Fuel Consumption
Diesel at % of Load gal/hr L/hr
25% 19.3 7.3
50% 36.0 136
75% 52.6 199
100% 69.3 262
Lubrication System
Type Full Pressure
Oil Filters 4 Spin-on Full Flow
Oil Pressure at Rated Speed 45-56 psi (310-386 kPa)
Oil Capacity with Filters 35 gal (132 L)
Local and Remote Generator Control
Automatic and manual starting and stopping
Engine and Generator Protection
Programmable Analog Engine Senders
ECU Communications via SAE J1939
16 Programmable Contact Inputs
Programmable Logic
Automatic Transfer Switch Control (Mains Failure)
Integrated RS485 Modbus Connection
Auto Synchronizing
Event recording
Engine RPM
Engine run time
Generator voltage
Generator current
Generator frequency
Oil pressure
Battery voltage
Fuel level measurements
Running Hour Meter
Coolant temperature
Generator under/over voltage alarm/shutdown
Generator under/over frequency alarm/shutdown
Over Current alarm/shutdown
Warm up and cooling functions
Maintenance timer
Digital Controller Features
EGC1000C Rev 3
Cooling System
Exhaust Manifold Type Dry
Radiator Design Standard Horizontal
Coolant Capacity - Engine Only 37 gal. (140 L)
Water Pump Design/Type Belt Driven, Centrifugal
Coolant Flow 100 gal/min (378 L/min)
Heat Rejection to Coolant (Standby) 40600 Btu/min (715 kW)
Thermostat Range 180-200°F (82-93°C)