I can’t connect to a Wireless Network or Router
If you are unable to connect to the Internet from a wireless computer
and your adapter appears to be functioning properly, please check the
following items:
Look at the lights on your Wireless Router. If you’re using a Belkin
Wireless Router, the lights should be as follows:
• The “Power” light should be on.
• The “Connected” light should be on, and not blinking.
• The “WAN” light should be either on or blinking.
If your Belkin Wireless Router’s lights do not have the above
characteristics, please contact Belkin technical support.
If you are not using a Belkin Wireless Router, consult that router
manufacturer’s user guide.
Check the network name (SSID) settings to see if they match. The
SSID is case-sensitive and the spelling on each computer must be
exactly the same in order for the adapter to connect to the Wireless
Router or Access Point. If security is enabled on the Wireless router or
Access Point, you will need to enter the encryption network key.
Note: to check the SSID settings, open an Internet browser and type in the address bar to bring up the Adapter’s setup home
page. Click on Bridge Settings under the Settings menu to the left of
the window. The SSID setting is located under the Wireless Settings
status information.