25g (1oz) dry white bread, crusts removed • 30 ml (2 tbsp) milk •
/2 onion,
chopped • 350g (12oz) pork or lamb, cut into chunks • 15 ml (1 tbsp)
chopped fresh marjoram • 30ml (2 tbsp) chopped fresh parsley • 10 ml
(2 tsp) dark soy sauce • a pinch of sugar, optional • salt and pepper •
15 ml (1 tbsp) vegetable oil • 100 g (4 oz) goats cheese, diced
For the fresh tomato sauce
450g (1 lb) fresh flavoursome tomatoes •
/2 onion • 1 clove garlic (optional) •
25g (1 oz) butter • 225ml (7
/2 fl oz) chicken stock • 7.5 ml spoon (1
/2 tsp)
sugar • 15ml (1 tbsp) tomato purée • 8 fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped •
salt and pepper • 20g (scant 1 oz) cornflour (optional)
Fit the metal blade in the bowl. Cut the bread into cubes. Process into crumbs on
speed 2 for about 20 seconds. Place in a bowl, cover with the milk and leave to
soak for 10 mins. Chop the onion using pulse. Add the meat, herbs, bread, soy
sauce, sugar and seasoning. Process on speed 2 for about 20 seconds until finely
chopped, but take care not to over process. Shape into walnut-sized balls and
chill in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. Heat the oil and fry on a medium heat for
10 – 15 mins.
Meanwhile make the tomato sauce. Skin the tomatoes by placing in boiling water for
a few minutes. Skin, cut in half and deseed. Clean the bowl and fit the
metal blade.
Chop the onion and garlic on
speed 2 for 15-20 seconds. Melt the butter in a large
pan. Cook the onion and garlic on a gentle heat for about 5 minutes until soft.
Remove from the heat. Add the tomatoes, chicken stock, sugar, tomato purée, basil
leaves and seasoning. Mix the cornflour with a little water and stir into the pan.
Gently bring to the boil, stirring continuously until the sauce thickens. Cover and
simmer for 30 minutes. Purée the tomatoes in the liquidiser on speed 2 until
smooth. Reheat and adjust the thickness, if necessary.
Makes about 600ml
(1 pint) of sauce.
Place the cooked meatballs in an ovenproof dish and pour over sufficient tomato
sauce to cover them. Top with the diced goats cheese and bake in a preheated
oven at 200°C/400°F (Fan oven 190°C), Gas mark 6 for about 30 minutes until
piping hot. Serve with bread and salad.
Makes about 20 meatballs.
Try this: Served the cooked meatballs on a bed of spaghetti with the
hot tomato sauce.
Serves 5-6
200 ml (7 fl oz) hot water • 3 tbsp instant coffee • 5 tbsp Marsala or rum •
36 sponge fingers (1 x 200 g packet) • 3 eggs, separated • 250 g (9 oz)
Mascarpone cheese • 30 g (1 oz) caster sugar • cocoa powder
Dissolve the instant coffee in the hot water. Add the Marsala or rum. Leave to cool.
Soak the sponge fingers in the coffee and alcohol mixture and use one third of them
in the bottom of a 17cm (6
/2 inch) soufflé dish. Beat the egg yolks, caster sugar and
Mascarpone in the bowl fitted with the whisk. Process on speed 2 for 1 minute.
Pour the mixture into a large mixing bowl. Clean the Odacio bowl and beat the egg
whites on
speed 2 for 1
/2 minutes with the whisk until stiff. Gently fold the egg
whites into the egg mix until well mixed. Pour one-third of it over the sponge fingers.
Add a second layer of soaked sponge fingers. Cover with one-third of the mixture.
Top with the remaining soaked sponge fingers and remaining mixture. Leave to set
in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Dust with sieved cocoa powder.
Cook’s note on Whipping Egg Whites: Best results are obtained when whipping
2 – 7 egg whites. Make sure the bowl and whisk are absolutely clean. Remove the
pusher and process on speed 2 for about 1
/2 minutes to 2 minutes, depending on
the number of egg whites, until they are stiff. In common with other food
processors, the volume is less aerated than using an electric mixer or hand whisk.