BS ACSeries brochure.fmx 28/7/05 5:20 PM Page 5
The assurance of perfect cooking results every time.
The core probe is an extremely practical device that precisely
measures the temperature inside food during cooking, causing
the AC Series to stop heating once the required cooking
temperature has been reached. The core probe ensures that the
temperature for cooking then reheating during subsequent holding
(which can mean several hours) is just right. The AC Series can
also use needle probes (Ø1 mm ) for smaller-sized dishes or when
cooking vacuum-packed foods.
The probe attachment is fitted outside the cooking chamber, so
it is not affected by high temperature or cleaning liquids,
guaranteeing long-term efficiency and reliable operation.
Finally, the right-hand side of the AC Series features a handy
probe holder, were the probe can be fitted when not in use.
Core probe
Probes with different diameters for
different requirements.
Probe attachment outside the
cooking chamber assures long-term
Ø 1 mm
Ø 3 mm