19. In cold ambient conditions, such as Canada, the following
items are recommended for proper operation and
equipment life:
· The vent pipe must not pass through an unheated space
or interior part of an open chimney unless the vent pipe is
· Where the vent pipe may be exposed to extreme cold, or
come into contact with snow or ice, the entire vent must be
insulated or double wall (includes outdoors). It is preferred
that the double wall vent is one continuous piece but a
joint is allowed outside the building.
· The vent terminal must extend 12 inches beyond the
exterior surface of an exterior wall and be supported as
shown in figure 7.1.
· The heater system shall be checked at least once a year
by a qualified service technician.
20. If left hand (facing front of heater with air blowing in face)
power exhauster discharge is desired, the power exhauster
may be rotated 180°. To do this, remove screws in vent
colar, rotate power exhauster, replace screws.
Additional Requirements for Horizontally Vented
Category III units.
1. Seal the joints with a metallic tape or silastic suitable for
temperatures up to 350°F. (3M tapes433 or 363 are
acceptable.) Wrap the tape two full turns around the
vent pipe.
2. Refer to Table 6.1 for total minimum and maximum vent
lengths making the vent system as straight as possible.
Refer to Table 6.2 for equivalent vent lengths for elbows.
Table 6.1
Vent Pipe Diameters, Transitions, and Total Equivalent
Vent Pipe Lengths for Horizontal Vent Systems.
➀ Vent transition is included but not required for this vent size, Please discard
the vent transition.
Table 6.2
Equivalent Vent Lengths for 90° Elbows
3. The vent terminal must be a Gary Steel 1092, Breidert
Type L, Tjernlund VH1 (sizes 150-400 only), Starkap,
Selkirk, or Constant Air-Flo 2433 style terminal or
4. If a Gary Steel 1092 or Breidert Type L vent terminal or
equivalent is used, the vent must extend 6 inches beyond
the exterior surface of an exterior wall as shown in Figure
7.2. Precautions must be taken to prevent degradation of
building materials by flue products.
5. If a Tjernlund VH1 or equivalent vent terminal is used the
vent may be flush with the exterior surface of an exterior
wall. Precautions must be taken to prevent degradation of
building materials by flue products. Where the terminal is
not available in the appropriate size for the unit to be
installed, use a transition and the next larger size terminal.
6. If a Constant Air-Flo, Starkap, Selkirk, or equivalent vent
terminal is used the vent must extend 12 inches beyond
the exterior surface of an exterior wall. Precautions must
be taken to prevent degradation of building materials by
flue products.
7. The vent system shall terminate at least 3 feet above any
forced air inlet (except direct vent units) located within 10
feet, and at least 4 feet below, 4 feet horizontally from, or 1
foot above any door, window, or gravity air inlet into any
building. The bottom of the vent terminal shall be located
above the snow line or at least 1 foot above grade;
whichever is greater. When located adjacent to public
walkways the vent system shall terminate not less than 7
feet above grade.
8. The venting system must be exclusive to a single unit, and
no other unit is allowed to be vented into it.
9. Horizontally vented units must use single wall vent
pipe although one continuous section of double wall
vent pipe may be used with the vent system. Under no
circumstances should two sections of double wall vent pipe
be joined together within one vent system due to the
inability to verify complete seal of inner pipes.
Slope 1/4" to
The Foot
*Size according to expected snow depth
Drip Leg with
Cleanout Cap
Use Thimble
Through Ceiling
Roof Flashing
2′ Min.
To wall or adjoining building
Slope 1/4" to
The Foot
Drip Leg with
Cleanout Cap
Use Thimble
Through Ceiling
Roof Pitch is x/12
Figure 6.2
Unit Venting Category I (obstructed)
Figure 6.1
Unit Venting Category I (pitched roof)
Model Vent Transition Vent Pipe Minimum Maximum
Size Included Diameter Eqv Length Eqv Length
30 4" to 3" 3" 2
30 Not Required ➀ 4" 2
50 4" to 3" 3" 2
50 Not Required ➀ 4" 2
75 Not Required 4" 2
100-125 Not Required 4" 2
150, 175 4" to 5" 5" 2
200 6" to 5" 5" 2
250- 400 Not Required 6" 2
Elbow Diameter Equivalent Vent Length
3" 1'
4" 5'
5" 6'
6" 7'