6A1 ENGINE (E-W) -
Items LimitStandard value
Crankshaft journal diameter 6A12 53.0 -
6A13 56.0 -
Crankshaft pin diameter mm 6A12 43.0 -
6A13 51.0 -
Crankshaft journal oil clearance mm 0.02 - 0.04 0.1
Cylinder block gasket surface flatness mm 0.05 -
Cylinder block gasket surface grinding limit (including grinding of
cylinder head gasket surface) mm
- 0.2
Cylinder block overall height 6A12 190.0 -
6A13 209.0 -
Cylinder block cylindricity mm 0.01 or less -
Cylinder block internal diame- 6A12 78.4 -
ter mm
6A13 81.0 -
Bearing cap bolt nominal length mm - 71.1
Piston-to-cylinder clearance mm 0.02 - 0.04 -
Item Standard
Cylinder head and valves
Cylinder head oversize valve guide hole diameter mm 0.05 O.S. 11.05 - 11.07
0.25 O.S. 11.25 - 11.27
0.50 O.S. 11.50 - 11.52
Oversize intake valve seat SOHC 0.3 O.S. 29.80 - 29.82
ring hole diameter mm
0.6 O.S. 30.10 - 30.12
MIVEC 0.3 O.S. 32.30 - 32.32
0.6 O.S. 32.60 - 32.62
Oversize exhaust valve SOHC 0.3 O.S. 27.80 - 27.82
seat ring diameter mm
0.6 O.S. 28.10 - 28.12
MIVEC 0.3 O.S. 29.80 - 29.82
0.6 O.S. 30.10 - 30.12
Feb. 1997Mitsubishi Motors Corporation