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About Manuals
The following table lists the manuals relating to this product. Please order the desired manual(s) as needed.
Related manuals
Manual Name
Manual Number
(Model Code)
Q Corresponding Serial Communication Module User's Manual (Application)
This manual explains the specifications and operating procedures for the special module functions, the
settings for use of special functions, and data-communication method for use with external devices.
(sold separately)
Q Corresponding MELSEC Communication Protocol Reference Manual
This manual explains how the external devices read and write PLC CPU data through communication
with the MC protocol using the serial communication module/Ethernet module.
(sold separately)
GX Configurator-SC Version 2 Operating Manual (Protocol FB support function)
This manual explains the function and usage of the protocol FB support function that supports the
creation of the data communication program of the module and set up of each parameter.
(sold separately)
Conformation to the EMC Directive and Low Voltage Instruction
For details on making Mitsubishi PLC conform to the EMC directive and low voltage
instruction when installing it in your product, please see Chapter 3, "EMC Directive
and Low Voltage Instruction" of the User's Manual (Hardware) of the CPU module to
The CE logo is printed on the rating plate on the main body of the PLC that conforms
to the EMC directive and low voltage instruction.
By making this product conform to the EMC directive and low voltage instruction, it is
not necessary to make those steps individually.