13 - 7
13.5 Inrush currents at power-on of main circuit and control circuit
The following table indicates the inrush currents (reference value) that will flow when the maximum
permissible voltage (253VAC) is applied at the power supply capacity of 2500kVA and the wiring length of
Inrush Currents (A
Servo Amplifier
Main circuit power supply (L
, L
, L
) Control circuit power supply (L
, L
MR-J2S-10CP 20CP 30A (Attenuated to approx. 5A in 10ms)
MR-J2S-40CP 60CP 30A (Attenuated to approx. 5A in 10ms)
MR-J2S-70CP 100CP 54A (Attenuated to approx. 12A in 10ms)
70 to 100A
(Attenuated to approx. 0A in 0.5 to 1ms)
MR-J2S-200CP 350CP 120A (Attenuated to approx. 12A in 20ms)
100 to 130A
(Attenuated to approx. 0A in 0.5 to 1ms)
MR-J2S-500CP 44A (Attenuated to approx. 20A in 20ms)
MR-J2S-700CP 88A (Attenuated to approx. 20A in 20ms)
(Attenuated to approx. 0A in several ms)
MR-J2S-10CP1 20CP1 59A (Attenuated to approx. 5A in 4ms)
MR-J2S-40CP1 72A (Attenuated to approx. 5A in 4ms)
100 to 130A
(Attenuated to approx. 0A in 0.5 to 1ms)
Since large inrush currents flow in the power supplies, always use no-fuse breakers and magnetic
contactors. (Refer to section 14.2.2.)
When circuit protectors are used, it is recommended to use the inertia delay type that will not be tripped
by an inrush current.