7.3.4 Items checked when data link cannot be performed on a
certain station
Check item Check procedure
Check the communication status of each station.
Check the loop status and presence of any communication error station by
performing network diagnostics. ( Page 75, Section 7.2)
Also, Check if the data link stop status is set to the station. If an optical loop system is
configured, check the line status and communication status of each station with the
loop test. ( Page 44, Section 4.4.1)
Does the network module on the communication
error station operate properly?
Check if an error or failure exists in the CPU module or network module on the
communication error station.
Check the cause of the loop failure.
Check if the network module operates normally with the self-loopback test.
( Page 40, Section 4.3.1)
Check if the cables operate normally with the station-to-station test.
Are the parameters of the remote master station
Check if the total number of link stations set in network parameter is greater than the
greatest station number set to the connected stations.
Check if the station actually connected is not set as a reserved station in parameter.
Are the parameters of the error station correctly
Read the network parameters from the CPU module on the communication error
station, and check if the number of modules and the refresh parameter are set
Are the switch settings of the network module
• Check if the station number setting switches, mode setting switch, and condition
setting switch of the MELSECNET/10 remote I/O module are set within the range.
If the settings are out of the range, correct them.
• Check if the station number setting switches of the MELSECNET/H remote I/O
module is set within the range. If the setting is out of the range, correct it. Also,
check if the mode setting switch is set to "8".
Is the link cable connected properly?
Check the line status by performing network diagnostics.
( Page 75, Section 7.2)
If an optical loop system is configured, check the line status with the loop test.
( Page 44, Section 4.4.1)