
F940GOT-SWD-E/LWD-E Additional Functions (in Ver3.00 or later) 7.
7.4 Connection to Bar Code Reader
The F940-GOT can be connected to a bar code reader.
Applicable bar code readers
The F940-GOT can be connected to any bar code reader whose communication specifica-
tions and data format are as shown below.
For the communication setting and sequence programs, refer to the F940GOT Operation
Manual offered separately.
Table 7.2 :Communication specifications
Communication port RS232C
Communication baud rate 9600bps
Data length 8 bit
Stop bit length 1 bit
Parity Even
Table 7.3 :Data format
Data (8 bits) CR (0DH)
Data : ASCII code
Header : None
End code : CR (0DH)