•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Basic operations
Search menu
Command Function
Search When clicking, the [Time Search] screen
appears. Specify the date and time to be
searched, and then click the [Search] button.
The picture of the specified time or around
such time appears. The search may not be
performed when the date and time information
of the recorded contents is not chronological
such as the data which is added to the
existing data.
Operation menu
Command Function
For Playback, Stop, Reverse Playback, Forward Search,
Reverse Search, Field Advance, Field Reverse, or Rewind,
refer to the section of the “Operation panel.”
Audio Select among channel 1 to 4 and put a check
mark to output audio while a medium contain-
ing recorded audio is played back. When
playback of such medium with audio is
stopped, the audio both prior to and subse-
quent to the frame at the stop position of
playback can be monitored. The audio is
played back for about 10 seconds. (The
playback time may vary depending on the
recording condition.)
Bookmark menu
Command Function
A-, B- Click to register the current
playback position as Point A or
Point B to repeat playback
between those positions.
Repeat between A and B Put a check mark to repeat
playback between Point A and
Point B you specified.
View menu
Command Function
Picture Size When clicking, the options of [100%], [75%],
[50%], and [25%] appear. Pictures are
zoomed in or out according to the selected
Decode Level When clicking, the options of [Fine], [Middle],
and [Rough] appear. When setting the decode
level to rough, the picture becomes rough and
the playback update speed becomes faster.
Title Bar When clicking, the options of [Date Time],
[Alarm], and [Title] appear. Put a check mark
to the item to be displayed on the screen.
Grouping menu
Command Function
Grouping Pattern When clicking, the [Grouping
Pattern] screen appears. When
you click the [4 Multi], [6 Multi],
[9 Multi], [10 Multi], [13 Multi], or
[16 Multi], the split screen of the
selected pattern appears. Click
“Setting” to display the setting
screen to set the position of the
camera to be displayed in each
Menus appearing with right button clicking
• To use the following functions, click the right button
of the mouse on the screen to be operated. The
following functions are performed only for the clicked
During playback
Command Function
Picture Size Refer to the section of the “View menu.”
Decode Level Refer to the section of the “View menu.”
During stopping playback
Command Function
Copy Click to copy the picture being displayed onto
the clipboard.
Save As When clicking, the [Save As] screen appears.
You can save the picture being displayed as
either a Windows bitmap file (.bmp) or a
JPEG file (.jpg).
Picture Size Refer to the section of the “View menu.”
Decode Level Refer to the section of the “View menu.”
Print When clicking, the [Print] screen appears.
After setting the [Margins], [Printer Settings...]
and other options, click [Print] button to print
the picture being displayed.