Using the remote control to operate VCRs, cable
boxes and other components (cont.)
Press the POWER button again. Your cable box should turn off. If
the cable box turns off, your remote cont:ro! is now set up to operate
your cable box. If your cable box does not tl_rn off, repeat the
instructions above, trying each code number listed for your brand of'
cable box. If none of these numbers work:, try each number, 51
through 99.
After setting up your remote, be sure that your cable box can be
turned on with the POWER button. Some of the cable boxes can be
turned on with the CHANNEL buttons or the number buttons.
setting up the remote control to operate your Mitsubishi
audio component (laserdisc player or A/V receiver)
O Turn offyour audio component.
Set the select switch on the top of the remote to choose the
layer you want to set up. For a laserdi:_c player, choose CABLE
or VCR-B. For an A!V receiw_r, or CD i?layer, choos,e CABLE.
While holding in the POWER button on the remote control,
enter one of these code numbers:
• For a Mitsubishi A/V receiver, compact disc: 30, 31 or 35
• For a Mitsubishi laserdisc player: 22 or 33
• For a Yamaha A/V receiver, compact disc: 36 or 37
Be sure to enter both digits of the cede number. If more than
one number is listed, try the first one.
O Release the POWER button.
O Press the POWER button again. Yo,_r audio component should
turn on. If it does, your remote control is now set up to operate
your cable box. If it does not turn orL, repeat the instructions
above, trying the other code number listed for your component.
(See "using your remote control to operate your Mi'Lsubishi
laserdisc player" and "using your remote control to operate
your Mitsubishi audio products" in th:is chapter for information
on using the remote to operate your A/V components.)
Getting Started 41