
3 - 16
3.6.4 Moving average processing count setting (Address RWwm+2)
(1) Set the average processing count of the channel for which moving average
processing has been specified in the CH.
moving average processing
specifying flag (RYn0 to RYn3).
(2) Sampling processing is performed for the channel whose CH.
moving average
processing specifying flag (RYn0 to RYn3) was not turned on, independently of
the moving average processing count setting.
(3) Operation is performed according to the setting made for the leading edges of the
initial data setting request flag (RY(n+1)9).
(4) The default setting is 4 times for all channels.
Bits b2, b3, b6, b7, b10, b11, b14 and b15 are ignored.
b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0
CH.4 CH.3 CH.2 CH.1
b14 b13 b10 b9 b6 b5
Ignored Ignored Ignored Ignored
Set Count Set Value
4 times 0H
8 times 1H
16 times 2H
32 times 3H
3.6.5 CH.
Digital output value (
Address RWrn to RWrn+3
(1) The digital value after the A/D conversion is stored in the remote register address
from RWrn to RWrn+3 for each channel.
(2) The digital output value is expressed in a 16-bit encoded binary.
b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Date section
b12 to b14 change to 1 when the sign is negative
(1 at b15) and to 0 when it is positive (0 at b15).
(A negative digital value is expressed in 2's complement.)
Sign bit
1: Negative
0: Positive