Gravimetric Batch Blenders w/Mitsubishi Control Chapter 3: Installation 44
modify the new recipe without affecting the blender until they hit the “Accept
New Recipe” button.
7. Recipe entry is complete.
8. To start the blender press “Push to Start or Stop” button.
Note: ***Other questions regarding controller features are answered in the Service
Supervisor Section at the back of this manual.***
Printer Features
The Slide Gate/Auger blending system may be equipped with a printer, so a printer menu is
available to the operator. This menu is displayed in the “Report Setup” area of the Setup
screen. The printer menu is accessed by pressing “Report Setup” from the Setup menu.
The printer is used to obtain batch ticket and inventory information. A batch ticket contains
the time and date, the actual blend percentages and the accumulated inventory numbers for all
networked blenders (1 to 999).
The blender can be configured to automatically print and clear inventory on a selected
interval. To automatically print or clear reports perform the following:
1. Enter in the Report Interval in hours (1-24).
2. Enter in the Report Start Hour (0-23, 0 is midnight).
3. Enable “Auto Print Inventory” and “Auto Clear Inventory.”
The user can select to only print the inventory on an interval if so desired by not enabling the
“Auto Clear Inventory” feature. The user should also enter in the blender number which will
identify the blender that the printout came from.
The printed inventory might not match the percentage shown, as the percentage shown is the
actual blender percentage running the current recipe. The inventory, depending on when it
was manually cleared, may or may not reflect the current recipe inventory. Some customers
like to run an accumulated inventory on ingredients coming from silos, etc., even though
several different recipes have been run on the blender. Others like to clear the inventory every
time the recipe is changed. The blender gives the operator the choice of either method.
The Report Setup Printer Menu contains four (4) options:
• Batch Interval
• Print Inventory
Report Interval in
hours (1-24)
Go to back
Recipe Page
Report Start Hour (0 to
23, 0 is midnight)
Enable or Disable the
Auto Print & Auto
Clear Inventory
Blender Number
Information will be
printed for.