
magicolor 330 - Base Engine Service Manual 9-173
Removal and Replacement Procedures
RRP 9.84 Heat Roll (PL9.2.12)
1. Remove the Heat Roll Heat Rod (RRP 9.86).
2. Remove the small ring that is attached to the rear end of the Heat Roll shaft.
3. Slide the Heat Roll Gear off of the rear of the Heat Roll shaft.
4. Remove the large ring that is attached to the rear Heat Roll bearing.
5. Slide the rear Heat Roll bearing off of the Heat Roll.
6. Remove the small ring that is attached to the front end of the Heat Roll shaft.
7. Remove the large ring that is attached to the front Heat Roll bearing.
8. Slide the front Heat Roll bearing off of the Heat Roll.
9. Remove the Heat Roll from the Main Fuser Assembly.
1. Position the Heat Roll so the long end is toward the rear of the Main Fuser Assembly.
2. Insert the rear and the front ends of the Heat Roll into the holes in the Main Fuser Assembly.
3. Position the front Heat Roll bearing so the ring groove is on the outside and slide the bearing over the
front end of the Heat Roll.
4. Push down on the Heat Roll and press the bearing into the hole in the front of the Main Fuser Assem-
5. Reinstall a large ring into the groove in the front bearing.
6. Reinstall a small ring into the groove at the front end of the Heat Roll shaft.
7. Position the rear Heat Roll bearing so the ring groove is on the outside and slide the bearing over the
rear end of the Heat Roll.
8. Push down on the Heat Roll and press the bearing into the hole in the rear of the Main Fuser Assem-
9. Reinstall a large ring into the groove in the rear bearing.
10. Slide the Heat Roll Gear onto the end of the Heat Roll shaft
11. Reinstall a small ring into the groove at the rear end of the Heat Roll shaft to secure the Gear to the
12. Reinstall the Heat Roll Heat Rod (RRP 9.86).