TWOm User Guide - R1.0.2 - October 7, 2010 125
accounts you can set up on phone 50
attachment limit 50
attachments you can view 51
delete message 52, 55
forward message 55
how to set up account 51
inbox screens 52
info required to set up account 50
mark message read/unread 55
number of accounts you can set up 50
open folders 52
read message screen 55
read messages 52
reply to message 55
save message as draft 54
save photo attachment 55
send from contact card 41
set a default signature 33
set days of email to download 33
set default account 33
set sync schedule 33
set up account 51
settings 52, 55
sync inbox 52
write new message 53
emergency tone 32
emoticons, how to insert 17
encrypted webpage 74
Enter key 15
setting in Music & More app 89
erase phone data 34
event reminders
notifications 91
create new 90
delete 90
edit 91
reminder sound 90
ways to view in calendar 91
fast forward
music 84
video 85
contacts 36, 40
photos 67, 69, 70
webpages 72, 76
edit favorite webpage name 77
in camera 69
open favorite webpage 76
Favorites Home screen
about 18, 39
add contacts 20, 40
how linking/unlinking contacts affects
favorites 39
rearrange favorites 20, 40
remove contacts 20, 40
find contact on your phone 20, 41
flash button, about 42
flash, photo setting in camera 65
flashing roaming indicator 22
flick gesture 14
FM radio
about 87
add a station to presets 88
pause play 88
remove a station from presets 88
seek stations 87
settings 89