The following table lists the maximum suspended weight for the MTG-1100 top grid.
NOTE: The grid tilt should not be larger than the one achieved by the natural rotation of the array. Pull-back
points should not be used to tilt the array.
Requirements for MTG-1100 Top Grid Load Ratings
The load ratings in Table 1 are only supported when the following requirements are observed:
■ Supported pickup points are: two center points, three points, or four corner points.
■ If a bridle is used between pickup points, the bridle angle at the apex must not be greater than 90 degrees.
■ The minimum supported leg length for front-to-rear bridle attachments is 24 inches (610 mm). The minimum supported leg
length for side-to-side bridle attachments is 28 inches (711 mm). Using a bridle leg shorter than the recommended length
reduces the load rating and may damage the MTG-1100 top grid.
■ There should be no splay between loudspeakers.
■ The array should not be pulled from points other than those on the grid.
■ Pull-back points should not be used to tilt the array.
■ The grid tilt should not be larger than the one achieved by the natural rotation of the array.
■ The maximum number of 1100-LFC loudspeakers that can be flown is based on a weight of 285 lbs (129.3 kg) for each
1100-LFC cabinet (with the MRK-1100 rigging hardware).
■ The maximum load ratings regard the MTG-1100 top grid and flown loudspeakers as a system, including links and pins.
Thus, the maximum stress point could change from one element to another in the system.
■ The weight of the MTG-1100 top grid has not been included in Table 1. The table rates the maximum load for the grid.
Pickup points and motors that will suspend the grid must be rated to the support the total weight of the grid (195.0 lbs,
88.5 kg) and its suspended loudspeakers (see Table 1).
■ Always use properly rated rigging hardware. The MTG-1100 top grid requires 7/8-inch shackles for its pickup points.
Table 1: MTG-1100 Top Grid Load Ratings
Number of
Supported Pickup Points
7:1 3,420 lbs
(1,551 kg)
12 2 center points
3 points
4 corner points
(Minimum leg length for front-to-rear bridle attachments,
24 inches / 610 mm; minimum leg length for side-to-side
bridle attachments, 28 inches / 711 mm.)
5:1 4,560 lbs
(2,068 kg)
16 2 center points
3 points
4 corner points
(Minimum leg length for front-to-rear bridle attachments,
24 inches / 610 mm; minimum leg length for side-to-side
bridle attachments, 28 inches / 711 mm.)