C: Thermostat Sensing Tube:
Check to see where you need to attach the thermostat sensing tube before mounting the
evaporator. The capillary tube (silver capillary tube) coming off the thermostat is the
sensing device. Upon delivery, the sensing tube will be coiled up near the body of the
thermostat. The entire unit – including the dial – may be installed in the
refrigerator/freezer box if necessary. If you choose to mount the controls external of the
box, ensure that a majority of the capillary tubing is inserted into the box. Without the
capillary sensing tube, the thermostat will not operate effectively. You may use items
like tie straps or small plastic cable clamps to mount the capillary sensing tube inside the
walls of the refrigerator/freezer. It is also acceptable to mount the capillary sensing tube
just behind the evaporator plate on the white nylon stand-offs provided for the plate
installation. Tie straps work well for this mounting application. Should the entire unit be
installed inside the refrigerator/freezer, leaving the capillary tubing coiled up next to the
body of the thermostat IS acceptable. Simply ensure the capillary tubing (body included
or not) is in an area where the inside temperature created by the white evaporator plate
can be felt.
D: Mounting:
The evaporator has numerous mounting holes along the top & bottom edges. Do not drill
or attempt to drill holes in any evaporator for any purpose. Always use the nylong
mounting spacers (stand-offs supplied) to protect the tubing & to provide adequate air
circulation behind the white evaporator plate. Mounting the evaporator directly against
the icebox wall with no spacers will diminish the heat removing surface area and lower
its efficiency.
Refrigerator & Freezer Thermostats:
B: Mounting:
As mentioned above, the thermostat can be mounted either inside the ice-box, or in an
alternative location that is within the length of the capillary sensing tube. This capillary
tube controls the thermostat by the pressure of the gas it contains, & must not be kinked,
broken or cut. Any excess tubing may be carefully coiled up & secured out of the way to
avoid damage. Care must be taken to ensure that the sensing tube does not come into