Initially, the blinking cursor appears over the G symbol. If you decide not to look for galaxies, press the
NEXT key and the symbol will change from an upper case letter (G) to a lower case letter (g), to deselect
the GALAXIES category. If you wish to leave GALAXIES selected, then move the blinking cursor over to
one of the other category symbols by pressing the W or E key on the Keypad. You can then deselect the
undesired categories.
If you wish to recall a category symbol, move the blinking cursor over the symbol and press the PREV key.
After your selections are made, press ENTER.
[ toc ] b) BETTER
The BETTER menu file option allows you to define the visual object quality range. At power up, the range
is set at the bottom of the scale on VP, when using the START FIND menu selection, it will select all
objects that are very poor through super or what could be considered an "ALL" setting. The object quality
symbols are:
Table 6: Quality Symbol Legend
Very Good
Very Poor
If you wish to define the visual object quality range to very good and better, press the ENTER key until the
symbol VG is displayed. From the VP setting to VG requires three ENTER key presses. The LX200 will
now select objects that look Very Good through Super.
[ toc ] c) HIGHER
The Higher menu file option sets the horizon setting for the telescope. At power up, the setting is 00
degrees, which assumes that you have an unobstructed line-of-site to the horizon in every direction. If,
however, there are things obstructing a level horizon, or if the sky quality is poor due to haze or light
pollution, you can set an artificial horizon level so that your LX200 will not try to find objects below your
Enter the number of degrees above the horizon that will clear the obstructions in the sky. To roughly judge
how many degrees the obstruction is taking up of the sky, merely hold your fist at arm's length. Each fist
diameter is approximately 5 degrees. So, if a tree is three fists high, you would make a setting of 15
degrees in the HIGHER setting. Once the setting is finalized, press ENTER.
[ toc ] d) LARGER
The LARGER menu file option allows settings of the lower apparent size limit of the objects you wish to
see. At power up it is set to 000' (arc minutes). In order to make a decision as to the size limits that you
may impose, it helps to have a clear understanding of exactly what an arc minute of sky is. A good
example is the apparent size of the Moon, which could be expressed as 1/2 of a degree, 30 arc minutes, or
1800 arc seconds. Each arc minute is 60 arc seconds, and there are 60 arc minutes for each degree of